Alpha Series vs Impression Series


and what that means for your space

There are important differences between the Alpha Series and the Impression Series acoustic panels and bass traps. Depending on your goals for treating your room and best to maximize the effectiveness of acoustic treatments.

The Alpha Series plate designs utilize a mathematical equation to create the pattern. We offer a one dimensional pattern or two two-dimensional sequences of dots and dashes. These patterns ensure the reflected sound is truly random.

The Impression Series plates come in many appealing designs that scatter sound but not in a planned, mathematical pattern. The reflections are random, but not perfectly even as with the Alpha Series. They are designed to be aesthetically pleasing as well as provide some scattering to keep from over-dampening a room.

Key Takeaways: At any distance of 3-4 feet from the panel, it would be hard to hear the difference between the two types. So, if the listening position is within that measurement, your own design preference would be the deciding factor.

Impression Series

Alpha Series

Finishes Available